Inspiring the Next Generation

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Inspire the Next Generation

LoudounCodes is launching a website where professionals can register a skill they can speak about and a level of classroom involvement, from video guest to teacher's assistant.  Teachers can search that database, and we'll take care of the first round of introductions.  Interested?  If your a teacher or a professional, sign up now to be notified when we go live!

Teachers can find a classroom guest

Searching by skill, level of involvement, and location, teachers will be able to find people with an expertise that fits their classroom. The next time you want to add something extra-special to your curriculum, find a professional who can talk about it!

Classroom guests are paired with teachers

You'll fill out a short bio and interested teachers will contact you through our website. Are you a software engineer who can help a math teacher? Are you a veteran who can help a history teacher? Are you a journalist who can help an english teacher? Whatever your expertise, there are teachers you could help!

The next generation benefits from you

Nothing inspires a student like a true story. Nothing engages a classroom like a 'break' in the routine a guest speaker can provide. The next time a student asks "but when will I need to know this?" you can help answer that question!